Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Buyers Beware!

I just got back from the Las Vegas furniture market, fresh with new ideas and knowledge about how we can better serve you and improve the studio.

There is only one major disappointment from my trip: some manufacturers are worrying more about making money, and less about making great stuff for you to buy and to improve your home. I am not saying profit and making money are a bad thing, what I believe is that we make money by offering great furniture and great values--not by cutting corners and utilizing fancy marketing tactics.

Our goal is to serve as an advocate for our clients. This means finding the best possible products for the best value. We attend three furniture markets a year to make this happen. We love looking for uniqueness, because this is what separates your home from everyone else, and we also appreciate quality, because furniture should be stylish, well made and something you can enjoy for a long time.

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